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SAF-T Tip: Eye & Ear Protection
While many ear plugs or ear muffs will work just fine for protecting your ears, good electronic earmuffs offer an advantage for you when shooting. Electronic earmuffs muffle the loud noises, such as the gun shots, but ALSO enhance the quieter or more normal level sounds such as normal conversation. So they not only protect your ears, but also allow you to more easily hear range commands and the other people around you, which enhances your safety and the safety of others. |
SAF-T Tip: Keep Your Firearms Clean
Cleaning and maintaining your gun is an important part of gun ownership. Rust in the barrel, dirt or build-up in the parts could lead to malfunctions and/or safety issues. Regular maintenance will also help the gun last longer, and it will also keep you in tune to how your firearm operates and how to disassemble and assemble it properly. |
SAF-T Tip: Keep Firearms SAFE!
SAF-T Tip: Keep It Concealed!
FLORIDA FIREARMS – Law, Use & Ownership
If you want the recognized, most authoritative book on Florida gun laws, Federal gun laws, Florida self defense laws, and Florida weapon laws, that explains all these laws (guns, knives, pepper spray, bows, ASP, NFA, etc.), with practical recommendations, in an understandable format, and is written primarily for the layman — this is the book that has set the standard for all books of its kind in the nation, over twenty five years in the running. (-excerpt from home page) A must have. Seriously, get it! (no commission made from this recommendation, just get it) |